School Governing Body
The SGB exists in accordance with the provisions of the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, and is made up of elected members of the various constituent parts of the school: namely, parents, educators, learners, administrative, academic and general staff.
In terms of the Act, the majority of members of the governing body must be parents, and the critical executive positions – Chair and Treasurer, for example - must be held by parents. This serves to reaffirm the pivotal role played by parents in the school.
The SGB is primarily tasked with managing the school’s finances, and this brings an enormous responsibility as the annual budget for Girls’ High runs into the many millions. Two-thirds of this flows from school fees and other contributions made by parents (such as fundraising and donations), and the remaining one-third issues from the state.
While the SGB’s focus is primarily financial, and while educational and academic matters are managed by the Principal, we see ourselves as part of a dynamic partnership which is supportive, innovative and committed to the safe and successful stewardship of the school. Our common aim is to turn out confident, capable young women who are able to go out into the world and make their mark.