Card Payments
Fees for 2025 are as follows:
School Fees Grade 8: R58 650.00
School Fees Grade 9-12: R52 500.00
Boarder Fees (2025): R82 300.00 or R22 600.00 for the first 3 terms and R14 500 for the 4th term, payable before the start of each term.
All fees are reviewed on an annual basis.
Please use the code on your school statement as reference when paying school fees.
By donating to PHSG, you can make a huge difference in the lives of several young women who attend the school. Below is a list of various fundraising activities currently taking place at the school. Alternatively, you can specify where you would like your donation to go:
Remote Learning Fund
There is an increasing need to have an academic programme that is supplemented with online resources. Learners will often find themselves in the position of needing to access videos of lessons, resources and assignments available on MS Teams. In addition to supplying data to learners without access to the internet, PHSG also looks to supplementing several learners who have access to internet in a limited capacity. To donate to this cause, please use the reference below.
Reference: Name/Business Name+RLF
Old Girls Fund
Reference: Name/Business Name+OGF
Parents' Association Fund
Reference: Name/Business Name+PAF
Bursary Fund
The Bursary Fund allows exceptional and deserving learners to be a part of an environment that honours timeless traditions and observances. Academic performance, extra-curricular commitment, commendations and testimonials and extra-curricular activities (e.g. community service, after school programs, etc) are taken into consideration for learners applying for bursaries.
Reference: Name/Business Name+BurF
Facilities Fund
In order to maintain the stateliness of the school facilities and to ensure that PHSG remains competitive with regards to facilities and offerings, it is necessary to raise funds for various projects.
Reference: Name/Business Name+FF
You can use this platform to pay for any school-related activities, including tours, workshops, concerts, dances, etc.
Reference: Your daughter’s Surname+Name+Event (Example: Smith Jane Houseplays)

Bank Account Details
Account name: Pretoria High School for Girls
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 55152335475
Branch Name: Hatfield
Branch Code: 252145
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ