Please note that Boarding Applications for Grades 8 to 11 for 2026 are currently open.
Please click the relevant link below and fill out the boarding application form.
When applying, please take into consideration that PHSG only offers weekly boarding.
Termly and monthly boarders can unfortunately not be accomodated.
Be sure to check if you are in our feeder area by clicking the button below.
The online Admissions Application System for Grade 8 has been closed for applications by the GDE.
Admission to the school is strictly according to the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) regulations. The website for registering and applying in the Gauteng Province is http://www.gdeadmissions.gov.za.
Required Documents When Applying
ID Photo - Recent ID style photograph of your daughter
Unabridged Birth Certificate - A certified copy of your daughter’s unabridged (full) birth certificate (computer-generated certificate from the Department of Home Affairs). If not available, proof of application should be provided along with a certified copy of an abridged birth certificate.
2024 Year-End Report - A certified copy of your daughter’s previous year-end (2024) report showing both her name and the school name.
2025 Term 1 Report - A certified copy of your daughter’s 2025 Term 1 report showing both her name and the school name.
Parent / Guardian Documents –
certified copies of both parents’/legal guardians’ RSA identity documents;
certified copies of death certificate/s should a parent or both parents be deceased;
certified copies of passports as well as work permits of parents that are Foreign Nationals.
Legal Guardianship - In case of legal guardianship adoption, copies of legal documents produced by the courts (court orders) are required which, amongst others, includes a certified copy of appointment from the Master of the Court to act as legal guardian/s. In case of divorce, upload a certified copy of court order.
Proof of Residence - Proof of the permanent residential address of both parents as well as the learner and/or legal guardian (only a valid government/parastatal or body corporate utility bill and/ or lease agreement will be accepted) in the parents/legal guardians name; or a certified copy of the lease agreement
Immigrant Documentation –
Immigrants must submit certified copies of both parents’ passports, permanent residence permits and/or relevant study permits, residence or work permits as well as any other related permits (refugee permit /asylum seeker permit);
in the event of Diplomats, Diplomats are to submit passports and Diplomatic identities
Letters of Employment - A letter of employment for each parent/legal guardian confirming employment, on an original company letterhead. The letter must –
be stamped by the Employer and the signature of the Employer affixed over the stamp;
contain confirmation as to whether the parent is employed indefinitely or for a fixed term period;
confirm the parent/legal guardian’s work address as well as work contact number.
Medical Aid Card - If the learner is on Medical Aid, a certified copy of both sides of the Medical Aid Card
Pretoria High School for Girls is a Section 21 fee paying school as per (SASA)
The payment of school fees is a statutory (legal) obligation for parents at fee-paying schools.
Parents of learners attending this school are responsible for paying school fees as prescribed.
The fees were approved at the annual general meeting held on 2 October 2024.
The obligation to pay school fees also applies to:
A person who is not the biological parent but claims the status of “parent” in terms of section 1 SASA must also take over financial responsibilities for a learner.
Fees for 2025 are as follows:
School Fees Grade 8: R58 650.00
School Fees Grade 9-12: R52 500.00
Boarder Fees (2025): R82 300.00 or R22 600.00 for the first 3 terms and R14 500 for the 4th term, payable before the start of each term.
All fees are reviewed on an annual basis.
Please note that PHSG does not host an open day. Please click the link below to take a virtual tour of the grounds.
Acceptance to PHSG is dependent on how many spaces become available in each grade at the end of the year.
2026 Applications
Applications for Grades 9 - 11 will open at the same time as the Grade 8 GDE online applications. Please check back regularly for more information.
These are to be directed to the Admissions Secretary, Ms K Mokgothu
Telephone: 012 430 7341
Email: admissions@phsg.org.za